The oldest started preschool. And on the cusp of his first day, he completely dressed himself and wanted to brush his teeth three different times, all independent of us. Just a month ago, he would scream and throw his head back when you went at him with a tooth brush. Things change fast. I didn't cry when we dropped him off the first day- I was too busy taking pictures of him making friends. The second day- I squawled just waiting in line to pick him up. I could vividly picture him as a newborn and it was if I blinked and he was crawling, walking, talking and now brushing his own teeth. Yep, things change so fast.
Here he is coming to get me. He's the "monster from the closet" and I'm hiding in the tent (his bed sheet).
The youngest has slept through the night (11-12 hours) for three nights (celebrate good times, come on!). And the middlest (yes, I know it's not an official word, but it's my word and I do that sort of thing) wakes up singing the words to "Life is a Highway". It's a rite of passage for two-year olds in this house (it was in the old house, too.) If you can imagine, it sounds more like this: "life...hiiiiwayyyy....allniiilongg...dribe it....alllniilooooong." And sometimes, he'll bang his little drum in accompaniment, but he always bops his head. He's funny.
Here he is with his "poo-ey"
They're all funny. I really like them. A lot.
And when I get my act together and become Suzy Homemaker and SuperMom, I'll post photos on this here blog (since I am a photographer and well, there's no excuse for this kind of behavior!) UPDATE: Yay! Check mark on the to-do list- I came back & posted photos.
Bear with me, though. Things just might get interesting around here- from mommy-ness to farminess, from decorating style to photo style, there's always something goin' on 'round here. And the hubby- he's none to happy 'bout it 'cuz my brains always involve his back. Stay tuned...and in the mean time, I'm going to work on a nice looking blog and a format of sorts. What do you think about "Rethinking Thursday" or "Sometime ago Saturday"? (where I might go back in time a bit to an old project or memory or photo from the past--all mostly from the recent past). And you just never know, we might have a new blog name and address. Crazy, eh? Yep, the partner in crime mentioned that one yesterday and the one he suggested I really liked...of course, I was like, "What? Where was that idea a year ago or just two months ago when I sent out invitations to an open house with this name?" oh well, such is life! (that's my new phrase that I'll overuse for about two weeks)
I must retire now...not to bed, but to help the one next to me shop for do I say it?....well, guessed it....three kids=minivan. We held out, we did, really we did. But, 3 kids in a Corolla on a 6+ hour road trip= not so much fun. That would be our milestone- giving in, as our single friends hide from us in shame while our friends with just one kid and a minivan say, "see I told you, you can't do it!" and our friends with four kids think, "well, at least you tried." Maybe we will still hold out yet.
i can't believe you've kept the corolla this long. you must be one of those "weird" people that dave refers to. looking forward to reading more of your future posts and seeing you on saturday!